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Yes, I can! A feel-good success mantra to get out of your comfort zone

by Preeti Thanigaivel   ·  1 year ago   ·  

Discover the power of a positive mindset with motivational success tips. Now you can step out of your comfort zone and feel more confident!


How often do we feel we can’t do something? It could be anxiety, nerves, a fear of failure, or just our mood which makes us want to stay unseen, hidden in the crowd. If there is a call for something that we are comfortable with, we don’t mind doing it. But if the job requires us to step out of our comfort zone, try something new, and if we have a choice in the matter, then we cling to the word NO with all our might.

This lack of confidence, fear of failure, or reluctance to try something new is our way to stay safe, risk-free, and comfortably anxiety free. You would eventually realize the number of opportunities you are letting go of because you think you can’t do something. 

Our comfort zone is where we feel most comfortable as if we are at home. That’s why it’s called a comfort zone. But think about it, whenever you have achieved something amazing, it was never ever from your comfort zone. Rather, it was way out there, with your comfort zone in the far distance.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is one way to accept risks, overcome challenges and grow personally and professionally. It can be anything – from exercising to eating clean to letting go of something or even developing a healthy sleeping habit. It could also be something you have wanted to learn, accomplish at work, volunteer or cultivate a new hobby. 

When you say ‘YES! I CAN’, you are actually motioning a catalyst for growth.

A positive affirmation while beginning any sort of work gives us good motivation. Even the word ‘Impossible’ says, ‘I am possible.’ Our brains are hardwired to seek out comfort and stay safe and that’s an instinct really hard to let go of. In this super competitive and accelerated world, however, one needs to grow and that rarely happens if you are on autopilot mode. You just need to push to kickstart things without doubting yourself. 

Just begin saying, ‘YES! I CAN’ or any of its variants like ‘YES! I WILL’ and set yourself up for success. When you decide to take the challenges in your stride and overcome your fears, you will feel so good about yourself. 

Here’s a Guide to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

We have put together a little guide to help you say the feel-good mantra of Yes! I Can

1. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

The hardest part is getting started. Too often, we look too far only to see how far away we are. The result – we get overwhelmed and decide to give up even before we start. Instead, just look at the first step. And then gradually work your way up step by step with the ‘YES! I CAN’ mantra. If you are prone to self-doubt then it’s time you beat the self saboteur.

This inspirational mantra underscores the fact that we don’t need all the answers all the time, all we need to do is just take the first step.

2. The Journey to Personal Growth and Development

Our journey to the goal often exceeds the goal itself. The goal is a destination towards which we strive, stumble, get up and strive again to reach. If you were to sit and think about it, the goal is a by-product of your efforts. When you begin to focus on your journey more than the goal you would also focus on the quality of your efforts. You would reach your goal sooner and perhaps in style as well. 

And might we also add, the journey builds character as well!

Did you know, taking care of yourself is also growth? Try it, we bet you will feel amazing about yourself.

3. Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone

When you say ‘Yes! I Can’ each time you are faced with a hurdle, it is your resolve to not give up. You are already out of your comfort zone, things are definitely not, well, comfortable. Your brain would keep coaxing you into giving up. But when you persevere and say Yes! I Can you are a step closer to reaching your goal. 

Besides, it’s the challenges that make us strong.

The Japanese Secret to a long and happy life

4. Take your Eyes Off the Prize

When you keep obsessing over the prize it could be one of two things, you may

  • Overthink and get bored or disillusioned after a while
  • Rush the process, forgoing the learning and growing phase

If you can achieve some success without taking a risk and working hard, you are certainly not going to learn anything from it. So it all depends on which way we choose to achieve our dreams and aspirations. 

When you take your eyes off the prize, you begin to enjoy your efforts and pick up life-changing skills along the way. 

5. It is Okay to Make Mistakes

If you are not making a few mistakes you would not get the opportunity to learn and grow. The idea is to achieve your goal with learning and growth. A perfectionist mindset will just not cut it.  

Mistakes can be scary, they may make us feel bad or can trigger the ‘failure alert’ in our minds. Any kind of mistake, regardless of size, must be seen in a positive light. Mistakes are a boon. An opportunity to learn. 

What’s more, mistakes are a way to accept our flaws and imperfections, work on ourselves and grow. To mistakes, you can say ‘Yes! I Can Learn’.

Yes! I Can

Success Mindset Affirmation: YES! I CAN

Repeat this mantra Now is the time to take your foot off the break, and say Yes! I Can to your next challenge or a long-time goal. Try it with your new year resolutions and see the magic of self belief work. Just repeat this feel-good mantra to yourself whenever you are feeling down or out of place. We trust that you will arrive at your destination with a rewarding journey full of amazing life experiences.

Share with us your feel-good mantra in life and how it changed you in the comment section below.


Author : Preeti Thanigaivel

A professional with over 15 years of experience in the corporate world, Preeti writes about her experiences when it comes to career and productivity hacks. She started her career in real estate - transitioning from sales to marketing to copy-writing. As the co-founder of a content and marketing agency and the blog The Feel Good Moments, she writes on mental health, self-love, embracing body positivity and motivation. A mother to a little girl, she loves exploring and documenting the world through the eyes of her daughter and capturing feel-good moments a parent would cherish forever.

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