Rainy days can feel dark and gloomy. The inability to go out can lead to monsoon blues and a downcast mood in general. You don’t feel like doing anything or are just annoyed or irritated. Some areas are prone to sunshine and warmth, so storms and rain can be unusual for them. But if there are non-stop showers, dampness and poor sunshine, we all tend to become gloomy.
So, what can we do to feel light, comfy, and positive during this crummy weather?
Here are a few ways you can practice self-love and boost your mood during gloomy days:
1. Hit the fitness indoors
Exercise is always a quick and great way to lift one’s mood. Given the weather, there’s nothing wrong with working out indoors for your health and prioritizing your body to stay in shape. We are often tempted by the couch and oily foods during the rains but don’t give in to this temptation. You can just enroll in an online yoga class, watch YouTube videos, or check out your favourite fitness Instagram page. A good workout will undoubtedly help you to love yourself more and overcome the gloomy weather.
2. Pamper yourself at night
Having a self-care routine is very important. You need to find an excuse to treat your skin right. Use a face mask and apply a moisturiser before you hit the bed. Your routine could be anything like having a hot shower, doing a hair mask, or a relaxing massage.
3. Declutter your space and your mind
All you have to do is open your closet and remove unnecessary items that are worn out or you wish to donate. Clutter makes the space messy and can also dampen the mood. Decluttering not only relaxes your mind but also gives you a fresh perspective and keeps you busy. I am sure knocking out things might be on your to-do list. So, procrastinate no more and declutter.
4. Nourish from within
Getting some vital vitamin D is going to be a challenge due to the lack of sunlight this season. Have vitamin D-rich fruits like oranges, bananas, spinach, mushrooms, yoghurt, and tofu. Ensure to have a well-balanced diet containing a good amount of calcium, minerals, and vitamins essential for your bone health. You can even take multivitamins or eat cheese and soy milk.
5. Make friends with your book
Make some space for learning and acquiring knowledge near your window. A good rainy day is just perfect for holding a book and sipping some coffee, tea or any hot beverage. Instead of scrolling through your Instagram feed why not look for a happy change? Reading is a detoxing activity that stimulates mental health, fosters creativity and reduces stress for you to enjoy a better good night’s sleep.

6. Treat yourself to some home cooking
We have always saved posts on Youtube or Instagram to try fun new recipes someday. What better day to bake a cake or pizza than on a rainy day? This activity will help you destress by donning the chef hat and figuring out your next and being your next delicious masterpiece. So, what are you waiting for? Get out the pots and pans and start cooking – best enjoyed with good company.
7. Music is a form of free therapy
There’s nothing like jamming to some good songs. Whether they are the 90’s classics or 20’s hip hop. Music just boosts your mood and makes you groove to mesmerising tunes. It’s like having a good break while recharging your energy levels. It will break the boredom and make you feel all sorts of amazing feel-good moods in the rainy season.
8. Aroma therapy to beat the blues
Relaxing fragrances can put you in such a good vibe. A dark and gloomy day calls for some calming lights and scented candles to relax and brighten your day. You can pair this combination with books, watching YouTube videos, and beautiful raindrops on your windows.
9. Enjoy some ‘me’ time
Yes, forget about all the things that are jumbling in your mind. Keep your work, relationships, friendships, duties, etc. in a corner for some time. Slow down a bit to revamp yourself and explore your true self. Do all your favourite things: cook, paint, dance, watch Netflix, talk with your friends, etc. I know the weather feels like curling up in bed. But, it feels much better to pick yourself up, treat yourself with the best hot tea or coffee or even hot chocolate, and just relax.
10. Indulge in a home-care activity
Some people do love taking care of their homes and it promotes their overall health: physical, mental, and social. It could either be making your bed, cleaning your home, rearranging your furniture, and so on. This gives you a feeling of taking care of your home, and it just simply makes you happy. A home that is neat and tidy is a great first step to beating stress.
11. Binge-watch your favourite shows
The best combination during the monsoon is an OTT platform, some homemade popcorn and amazing shows & movies. Watching a movie while listening to the sounds of the raindrops on your windows while you have a good theatre experience at home – we can’t even describe it. It just turns your lazy rainy days into entertaining movie days. All you have to do is curl up in a warm blanket, grab a bag of popcorn or any snack of your choice, dim the lights, and watch the show on your TV. This is a quick and cool tip to take back home.

Rainy days can feel less fatigued or gloomy when you plan your day with good activities. Just enjoy the rain, the smell of fresh flowers, light the candles and have a dinner date.
Let’s be thankful to mother nature for sharing the rejuvenating calm and peace while we connect to our roots of self-love.
How do you shower yourself with self-love during gloomy days? Tell us about it in the comment section below.